By simply downloading and running HEWMEN Cell you are helping us process scientific data as we search for new solutions to a variety of very different large complex problems.
HEWMEN Cell is a SIMPLE, EASY, and SECURE application that harnesses your computer’s unused processing power and combines it with power from other computers ALL OVER THE WORLD, building a network. Essentially, a virtual supercomputer processing tasks much more quickly and efficiently than traditional computers could perform on their own.
Luckily, HEWMEN Cell is easy to install and is designed to run without requiring you to do anything other than open the app.
More information on how to download and install HEWMEN Cell is available HERE.
Main Screen
When running the app, the main screen is the first to display and provides an overview for the current status of HEWMEN Cell.
Option Menu
On the left hand side of the Main Screen is a menu of options for navigating the app including:
- Settings - Gives you access to a variety of different settings including complete control over the amount of processing power, disk space, and memory the app uses.
An in-depth explanation of all settings are available HERE.
- Progress - The current research tasks and their progress can be viewed here.
- About - Here you will find additional information on BALANCED Media | Technology and the tech behind HEWMEN Cell.
- Terms - The Terms of Service (TOS) for the HEWMEN Cell app is available here.
- Support - This takes you to Knowledge Base where you can research potential solutions or enter a support ticket via email.
- News - This is where to find the latest news on the HEWMEN Cell app.
Pause Processing
You can temporarily pause HEWMEN Cell's processing by clicking the "Pause" button.
The current status of the Cell app is printed next to the "Status" text below the controls. Additionally, the status is indicated by the PC icon and the binary animations to the right of the controls.
When processing, the status text reads, "Tasks are processing!", PC icon is bright, the binary code is animating, and the heart icon is filling.
When Paused, the status text reads, "Paused, User request",the PC icon is dimmed, the pause button had turned into a "Play" button and there are "Zzzzz" emitting from it. Additionally, the binary animations have stopped.
Processing can be resumed by clicking the "Play" button.
How to Use:
The HEWMEN Cell app is designed to work without you needing to take any additional action. When minimized, the app continues to run in the background and minimizes as an icon to the tray.
Right clicking the HEWMEN Cell Icon while it's in the tray, and hovering over the "Preferences" or "Help" bring up a small menu allowing you access to adjusting a few options.
Advanced users can fully customize their donation settings through "Settings" in the Option Menu. A detailed explanation of all these settings is available HERE.